emerge as 的字面意思是“以……形式/角色/身份出现或初露头角或引人注意”,可根据具体语境来确定意思。如:Local government hasrecently emerged as a major issue. 当地政府近来成为人们关注的主要问题。He emerged as a key figurein the campaign. 他已初露头角,成为这次运动的主要人物。United have emerged as thebookies' clear favourite. 联队已经成为赌注登记经纪人心目中绝对最有希望获胜的队。The Pacific region hasrapidly emerged as a leading force on the world stage. 太平洋地区迅速崛起,成为世界舞台上的一支领导力量。Now, it seemed, he wasemerging as the only man capable of leading the USA into a new future. 这里,他似乎已初露头角,成了唯一一个有能力带领美国走向新未来的人。