pay attention to 后面为什么接不定式

Our teacher insisted that the key word worth paying attention to be underlined before class.《徐广联大学英语》。
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你的理解是对的:①insisted 后面的 that 引导的是宾语从句;②worth paying attention to 为 the key word 的修饰语;③should be underlined (被动语态)不是修饰从the key 到 to的全部,它是主语the key word 的谓语部分。④由于 insist(表示“坚持要”)后面接 that 从句时,通常用“should+动词原形”(其中的should可以省略),即原句相当于:Our teacher insisted that the key word worth paying attention to (should) be underlined before class.又如:The detective insisted that he (should)have a look. 警探坚持要查看。I insisted that he (should)go with us. 我坚持要他和我们一块儿去。 【
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